テイラーズ大学(Taylor's University)は、世界大学ランキングトップ1.5%(2024年度)に入るマレーシアの名門大学です。
テイラーズ大学(Taylor's University)は、アメリカ、イギリスなど欧米の有名校とも提携しており、2つの大学から学位が取得できるダブルディグリープログラム、そしてアメリカを始めとした海外の大学への転学制度のアメリカ大学編入プログラム(ADTP)が魅力的です。
ホスピタリティー観光料理学部実習用カフェ- ホスピタリティー観光料理学部実習用レストラン
- ホスピタリティー観光料理学部 ホテルフロント実習用教室
- ホスピタリティー観光料理学部実習用厨房
ホスピタリティー観光料理学部実習用厨房- ホスピタリティー観光料理学部 学生ミーティング風景
- ホスピタリティー観光料理学部学生作業風景
カフェテリア- カフェテリアメニュー(画像クリックで拡大します)
- 銀行
(画像をクリックすると拡大されます)- レストラン
所在地 | スバンジャヤ |
設立年度 | 1969年 |
運営形態 | 私立大学 |
学生数 | 15,000人 |
留学生数 | 3,000人 |
語学コース | 有 |
インターキャンパス プログラム |
無 |
ツイニングプログラム | 有 |
アメリカ大学編入 プログラム |
無 |
ダブルディグリー プログラム |
イギリス西イングランド大学(University of the West of England) オーストラリアクイーンズランド工科大学(Queensland University of Technology) フランスアカデミーデトゥールズ(Academie de Toulouse) フランストゥールズ大学(The University of Toulouse) |
インターンシップ | 有 |
科目受講 | 可能 |
所在地 | クアラルンプールの郊外 |
主な交通機関 | バス、KTM、タクシー |
空港からの交通手段 | 1.KLIAエクスプレス+KTM+タクシー 2.KLIAエクスプレス+タクシー 3.KLIAトランジット+KTM+タクシー 4.KLIAトランジット+タクシー 5.エアポートバス+KTM+タクシー 6.エアポートバス+タクシー 7.タクシー |
大学進学準備コース(Pre-University Programmes)
- 全プログラム詳細表示
- マレーシアCIMB銀行為替レート:Rm1=36.39円(2025年01月13日 11:46 現在)
- 2025年
ディプロマ学士号課程(Diploma & Degree Programmes)
- 全プログラム詳細表示
- マレーシアCIMB銀行為替レート:Rm1=36.39円(2025年01月13日 11:46 現在)
- 2025年
公認会計士プログラム(Professional Accounting Programmes)
- 全プログラム詳細表示
- マレーシアCIMB銀行為替レート:Rm1=36.39円(2025年01月13日 11:46 現在)
- 2024年
- 全プログラム詳細表示
- 全プログラム詳細表示
大学進学英語コース(Intensive English)
学生数 | 500名 |
学生の主な出身国 | 中国、韓国、インドネシア、カザフスタン、イラン |
教師出身国 | 主にマレーシア |
1クラス平均人数 | 30人 |
1クラス最大人数 | 30人 |
期間 | 12週間(20時間/週、オンラインスピーキング20時間) |
レベル分け | 4 |
授業数 | 1時間×2授業+2時間×1授業/日×5日/週 (月、火、木曜日は午後に1時間補修クラス有。) |
レベル分け | 2 |
入学要件 | 高卒以上 |
- 留学生登録料
- Rm2,800(101,892円)
- 留学生手続き料
- Rm3,000(109,170円)
- 留学生会費
- Rm280(10,189円)
- 学生ビザ申請料
- Rm1,994(72,562円)
- 保証金
- Rm3,000(109,170円)
- 授業料
- Rm4,410/レベル(160,480円)
- 1レベル=約3か月
2025年 | |
入学日 | 修了日 |
5月5日 | 7月25日 |
9月15日 | 12月5日 |
8:00~9:00 | リスニング、スピーキング |
9:00~10:00 | リーディング |
10:10~12:10 | 文法、ライティング |
12:10~13:00 | 昼食 |
13:00~14:00 | 補修クラス |
- 共通費用
- 保証金(後日返金)
- Rm2,500(90,975円)
- レイクサイドキャンパス寮(U Residence)
- 月間寮費
- Rm1,950(70,961円)
- 月間寮費
- Rm1,150(41,849円)
- 月間寮費
- Rm1,450(52,766円)
- 月間寮費
- Rm1,100(40,029円)
- 月間寮費
- Rm1,550(56,405円)
- 月間寮費
- Rm1,200(43,668円)
- レイクサイドキャンパス寮(Ruemz)
- 月間寮費
- Rm1,400(50,946円)
- 月間寮費
- Rm1,500(54,585円)
- 月間寮費
- Rm1,600(58,224円)
- 月間寮費
- Rm2,200(80,058円)
- 月間寮費
- Rm2,600(94,614円)
レイクサイドキャンパス寮(U Residence)
レイクサイドキャンパス寮(U Residence)
部屋中(2人部屋:専用シャワー・トイレ付)- 部屋中(2人部屋:専用シャワー・トイレ付)学習机
部屋中(2人部屋)専用シャワー・トイレ- 部屋中(2人部屋:専用シャワー・トイレ付)クローゼット
部屋中(2人部屋:専用シャワー・トイレ付)- 部屋中(2人部屋:専用シャワー・トイレ付)クローゼット
- 部屋中(2人部屋)専用シャワー・トイレ
- 部屋中(2人部屋)専用シャワー・トイレ
- 部屋中(2人部屋:専用シャワー・トイレ付)学習机
- 部屋小(1人部屋:ベッド大:専用シャワー・トイレ付)
- 部屋小(1人部屋:ベッド大:専用シャワー・トイレ付)学習机
- 部屋小(1人部屋:ベッド大)専用シャワー・トイレ
- 部屋小(1人部屋:ベッド大)専用シャワー
部屋大(2人部屋:専用シャワー・トイレ付)- 部屋大(2人部屋:専用シャワー・トイレ付)学習机
(画像をクリックすると拡大されます)- アパート内セブンイレブン
- 全プログラム詳細表示
- American University
- Arizona State University
- University of Arkansas
- Boston University
- Brown University
- California State University
- Carnegie Mellon University
- University of Central Oklahoma
- Chapman University
- University of Colorado
- Colorado School of Mines
- Colorado State University
- Columbia University
- University of Connecticut
- Cornell University
- Creighton University
- University of Delaware
- University of Denver
- DePaul University
- Drake University
- Duke University
- Elon University
- Embry- Riddle Aeronautical University
- Emory University
- Fairleigh Dickinson University
- Florida State University
- George Washington University
- University of Georgia
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- University of Hawaii
- Hawaii Pacific University
- University of Houston
- University of Idaho
- University of Illinois
- Illinois Institute of Technology
- Indiana University Bloomington
- Indiana University-Purdue University
- University of Iowa
- Iowa State University
- University of Kansas
- Kansas State University
- University of Kentucky
- Louisiana State University
- Loyola University
- Marquette University
- University of Maryland
- University of Massachusetts
- Miami University
- University of Michigan
- Michigan State University
- Michigan Technological University
- University of Minnesota
- Minnesota State University
- University of Mississippi
- Mississippi State University
- University of Missouri-Columbia
- University of Missouri-Kansas City
- University of Montana
- University of Nebraska
- New York Institute of Technology
- New York University
- University of North Carolina
- North Carolina State University
- Northern Arizona University
- Northern Illinois University
- University of Northern Iowa
- Ohio State University
- Ohio University
- University of Oklahoma
- Oklahoma City University
- Oklahoma State University
- Old Dominion University
- University of Oregon
- University of Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania State University
- Purdue University
- Rochester Institute of Technology
- Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
- San Diego State University
- University of San Francisco
- San Francisco State University
- University of South Alabama
- South Dakota State University
- University of Southern California
- St.Cloud State University
- St.John's University
- Stanford University
- State University of New York
- Syracuse University
- Temple University
- Tennessee Technological University
- University of Texas
- Texas A&M University
- Towson University
- University of Virginia
- University of Washington
- Western Michigan University
- West Virginia University
- Wichita State University
- University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- University of Alberta
- University of British Columbia
- Carleton University
- Columbia College
- Dalhousie University
- Fairleigh Dickinson University
- Langara College
- University of Manitoba
- Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Mount Allison University
- Ryerson University
- Simon Fraser University
- University of Saskatchewan
- University of Toronto
- Trent University
- Vancouver Community College
- University of Victoria
- University of Waterloo
- Wilfrid Laurier University
- York University
- The University of Adelaide
- Curtin University
- Deakin University
- Macquarie University
- The University of Melbourne
- Monash University
- The University of New South Wales(UNSW)
- The University of Queensland
- Queensland University of Technology(QUT)
- RMIT University
- University of South Australia(UniSA)
- The University of Sydney
- The University of Tasmania
- University of Technology Sydney(UTS)
- University of Wollongong
- University of Western Australia
- 全プログラム詳細表示
- University of Ottawa
- Adelaide University
- Edith Cowan University
- LaTrobe University
- Florida International University
- University of South Florida ST.Petersburg
- Southwest Minnesota State University
- ST Cloud State University
- Universidad De Mendoza
- UPEP(Universidad Popular Autonoma Del Estado De Puebla)
- Universidad San Ignacio De Loyola
- Hang Seng Management College
- Education University of Hong Kong
- Globsyn Business School(研修旅行のみ)
- Binus University
- Universitas Indonesia
- London School of Public Relations
- 愛知県立大学
- 金沢星稜大学
- 関西大学
- 近畿大学
- 静岡大学
- 同志社大学(インターンシップのみ)
- 東洋大学
- 多摩大学
- 長崎大学
- 新潟大学
- 山梨学院大学
- 立命館アジア太平洋大学
- 龍谷大学
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Chonnam National University
- Chung-Ang University
- Dankook University
- Dong-A University
- Duksung Women's University
- Far East University
- Hanyang University
- Inha University
- Konkuk University
- Kookmin University
- Korea Maritime and Ocean University
- Kwangju Women's University
- Kyonggi University
- Kyunghee University
- Kyungsung University
- Myongji University
- Pukyong National University
- University of Seoul
- Seoul National University of Science and Technology
- Soongsil University
- Yeungnam University
- Far Eastern University<
- Jose Rizal University<
- Lyceum of The Philippines University<
- University of Perpetual Help System Dalta<
- University of Santo Tomas
- Fu Jen Catholic University
- I-Shou University
- National Chi Nan University
- Shinh Chien University
- Bangkok University
- Chulalongkorn University
- King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
- Prince of Songkla University
- Rangsit University
- Siam University
- Thammasat University
- Duy Tan University
- FPT University
- Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education
- Hoa Sen University
- CQ University
- Deakin University
- La Trobe University
- The University of Newcastle
- Queensland University of Technology
- RMIT University
- University of South Australia
- Southern Cross University
- University of Technology Sydney
- Otago Polytechnic
- University of Applied Sciences Bfi Vienna
- University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt
- Fachhochschule Kufstein Tirol University of Applied Sciences
- IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems
- MCI Management Center Innsbruck
- Modul University
- Saint-Louis University
- Haute Ecole De Province De Liege
- ANGLO - American University
- University of Hradec Kralove
- Metropolitan University Prague
- University of New York in Prague
- University of Ostrava
- Aalborg University
- Business Academy Aarhus - University of Applied Sciences
- Danish School of Media and Journalism
- Lillebaelt Academy
- University of Southern Denmark
- Zealand Institute of Business & Technology
- Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
- Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
- University of Augsburg
- Biberach University of Applied Sciences
- Cologne Business School
- Duale Hochschule Baden-Wurttemberg Karlsruhe, Germany
- European University of Applied Sciences
- Heilbronn University
- Technical University of Ingolstadt
- Konstanz University of Applied Sciences
- Rheinmain University of Applied Sciences
- SRH University Heidelberg
- Tu Clausthal
- Audencia Group(Audencia Business School)
- Bba inseec - Ecole De Commerce Europeene Bordeaux-Lyon
- Burgundy School of Buiness(Groupe Esc Dijon Bourgogne)
- Universite Catholique De Lille
- Ece Paris Graduate School of Engineering
- Ecole Superieure Internationale De Savingnac
- Esce International Business School
- Ieseg School of Management, Lille Catholic University
- Institute Superieur De Gestion
- Institut Superieur D'electronique De Paris(ISEP)
- Universite Montesquieu Bordeaux IV
- University Paris-Est Creteil Val De Marne(UPEC)
- Rennes School of Business
- Sciences Po Lille
- Universite Toulouse Jean Jaures
- Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
- North Karelia University of Applied Sciences
- Tampere University of Applied Sciences
- Turku University of Applied Sciences
- Universita Carlo - Cattaneo - Liuc
- Universita' Commerciale L. Bocconi
- Free University Bozen - Bolzano
- University of Udine
- Fontys Academy For Creative Industries
- The Hague University of Applied Sciences
- Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen
- Nhtv Breda University of Applied Sciences
- Saxion University of Applied Sciences
- Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
- Stenden University
- Tio University of Applied Sciences
- Windesheim University of Applied Sciences
- University of Stavanger
- University of Alicante
- University of Almeria
- CETT - Universitat De Barcelona
- Universidad De Las Palmas De Gran Canaria
- Universidad Pontificia Comillas Icai - Icade(Engineering)
- School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Sant Ignasi - Ramon Lull University
- Halmstad University
- Kristianstad University
- CETT - Universitat De Barcelona
- University West
- University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Northwestern Switzerland
- Bern University of Applied Sciences
- FHS ST Gallen, University of Applied Sciences
- Haute Ecole De Gestion Geneve(HEG)(The Geneva School of Business Administration, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland)
- Sabanci University
- University of Bristol
- University Collge Birmingham
- Glasgow Caledonian University
- Leeds Trinity University
- University of Liverpool
- Manchester Metropolitan University
- Robert Gordon University
- Sheffield Hallam University
- University of Sunderland
- University of The West of England
編入受入提携校(Transfer Programme)
- 全プログラム詳細表示
- BSc International Business Management
- BSc Management
- BSc Marketing
- BSc Actuarial Scinence
- Bachelor of Business Administration
- Bachelor of Science Accounting
- Bachelor of Science Accounting and Finance
- Bachelor of Science Accounting and Management
- Bachelor of Science Accounting with Economics
- Bachelor of Science Banking and Finance
- Bachelor of Science Business Management
- Bachelor of Science Finance
- Bachelor of Science Finance and Management
- Bachelor of Science International Business and Entrepreneurship
- Bachelor of Science Management and Marketing
- Bachelor of Science Marketing
- Bachelor of Arts Economics
- Bachelor of Arts International Economics
- Bachelor of Arts Management Economics
- Bachelor of Science Economics
- Bachelor of Science Finance Economics
- Bachelor of Science International Economics
- Bachelor of Science Management Economics
- Bachelor of Accounting
- Bachelor of Business Management
- Bachelor of Commerce(Accounting)
- Bachelor of Corporate Finance
- Bachelor of Economics
- Bachelor of Finance
- Bachelor of International Business
- Bachelor of Marketing
- Bachelor of Accounting and Corporate Finance
- Bachelor of Business Management and Accounting
- Bachelor of Innovative and Entrepreneurship
- Bachelor of Project Management
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Commerce(Finance)
- Bachelor of Commerce(International Business)
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Business(Finance)
- Bachelor of Business(International Business)
- Bachelor of Business(Accountancy)
- Bachelor of Business(Advertising)
- Bachelor of Business(Human Resource Management)
- Bachelor of Business(International Business)
- Bachelor of Business(Management)
- Bachelor of Business(Marketing)
- Bachelor of Business(Financial Planning)
- Bachelor of Business(Public Relations)
- Bachelor of Business Management
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management
- Bachelor of Business Management
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Business(Accountancy)
- Bachelor of Business(Digital Business)
- Bachelor of Business(Economics and Finance)
- Bachelor of Business(Entrepreneurship)
- Bachelor of Business(Financial Planning)
- Bachelor of Business(Human Resource Management)
- Bachelor of Business(Information Systems)
- Bachelor of Business(International Business)
- Bachelor of Business(Logistics and Supply Chain Manamgent)
- Bachelor of Business(Management)
- Bachelor of Business(Marketing)
- Bachelor of Business(Economics and Finance)
- Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Business(Economics, Finance and Trade)
- Bachelor of Business(Finance)
- Bachelor of Business(Human Resource Management)
- Bachelor of Business(Innovation and Entreprenuership)
- Bachelor of Business(International Business)
- Bachelor of Business(Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
- Bachelor of Business(Management)
- Bachelor of Business(Sports and Recreation Management)
- Bachelor of Business(Tourism and Event Management)
- Bachelor of Commerce(Accounting)
- Bachelor of Commerce(Accounting) & Bachelor of Business(Finance)
- Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Business & Bachelor of Creative Inteligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Business & Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Commerce(Accounting & Finance)
- Bachelor of Commerce(Finance)
- Bachelor of Commerce(International Business)
- BSc Artificial Intelligence with Computer Science
- BSc Computer Science
- MSci Artificial Intelligence with Computer Science
- MSci Computer Science
- Bachelor of Engineering Computer with Electronics
- Bachelor of Engineering Computer Networks
- Bachelor of Engineering Computer Systems Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering Mechatronic Systems
- Bachelor of Engineering Robotic Engineering
- Bachelor of Science Computer Games
- Bachelor of Science Computer Science
- BSc Computer Science
- MEng Computer Science
- Bachelor of Information Technology(Business Information Systems Management)
- Bachelor of Information Technology(Data Analytics)
- Bachelor of Information Technology(Enterprise Systems Development)
- Bachelor of Information Technology(Interaction Design)
- Bachelor of Information Technology(Networking and Cybersecurity)
- Bachelor of Information Technology(Computer Science)
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor of Information Technology
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor of Information Technology
- Bachelor of Information Technology
- Bachelor of Information Technology(Software Development)
- Bachelor of Information Technology
- Bachelor of Software Engineering(Honours)
- BSc Information Technology(Data Analytics)
- BSc Information Technology(Enterprise Systems Development)
- BSc Information Technology(Interaction Design)
- Bachelor of Science(Computer Science)
- Bachelor of Science(Computer Science & Cybersecurity)
- Bachelor of Arts(Hons) International Hospitality Management
- Bachelor of International Tourism and Hotel Management
- Bachelor of Pharmacy
- Bachelor of Pharmacy
- Bachelor of Pharmacy
- Bachelor of Pharmacy
- Doctor of Pharmacy
- BA(Hons) Media Communications
- BA(Hons) Media Productions
- BA Journalism and Communication
- BA Media and Communication
- BA Media Journalism and Culture
- Bachelor of Media and Communications(Advertising, Broadcasting & Journalism, Public Relations)
- Bachelor of Media
- Bachelor of Communication
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Creative and Professional Writing)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Drama)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Entertaiment)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Fashion Communication)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Interaction and Visual Design)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Media and Communication)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Music and Screen Content Producation)
- Bachelor of Communication(Digital Media)
- Bachelor of Communication(Entertaiment Industries)
- Bachelor of Communication(Journalism)
- Bachelor of Communication(Professional Communication)
- Bachelor of Communication(Advertising and Public Relations)
- Bachelor of Communication & Media
- Bachelor of Communication(Strategic Communication)
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Laws
- BEng Chemical Engineering
- BEng Civil Engineering
- BEng Electronic & Electrical Engineering
- BEng Mechanical Engineering
- BEng Mechatronic & Robotic Engineering
- MEng Chemical Engineering
- MEng Electronic & Electrical Engineering
- MEng Mechanical Engineering
- MEng Mechatronic & Robotic Engineering
- MEng Civil Engineering
- MEng Mechatronic & Robotic Engineering
- BEng Communication Engineering
- BEng Computer Networks
- BEng Computer Systems Engineering
- BEng Computer with Electronics
- BEng Electronic Systems
- BEng Mechatronic Systems
- BEng Neural Engineering with Psychology
- BEng Robotic Engineering
- BSc Computer Games
- BSc Computer Science
- BEng Neural Engineering with Psychology
- MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- MEng Mechanical Engineering
- BEng Chemical Engineering
- BEng Electrical Engineering
- BEng Electronic Engineering and Computer Engineering
- BEng Computer Systems Engineering
- BEng Mechanical Engineering
- BEng Mechatronics & Robotic Engineering
- MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- MEng Electronic and Computer Engineering
- MEng Chemical Engineering
- MEng Computer Sytems Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
- MEng Mechanical Engineering
- MEng Mechatronics & Robotic Engineering
- MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering with an Industrial Placement Year
- BEng Chemical Engineering with Industrial Experience
- MEng Mechanical Engineering with Biomechanics
- MEng Mechatronics & Robotic Engineering with Industrial Placement Year
- Bachelor of Engineering(Hons)(Chemical)
- Bachelor of Engineering(Hons)(Electrical and Electronic)
- Bachelor of Engineering(Hons)(Mechanical)
- Bachelor of Engineering(Honours)(Electrical and Electronic)
- Bachelor of Engineering(Honours)(Mechanical)
- Bachelor of Engineering(Honours)(Mechatronics)
- Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering(Honours)(Chemical)
- Bachelor of Engineering(Honours)(Electrical Power)
- Bachelor of Engineering(Honours)(Electronics and Communications)
- Bachelor of Engineering(Honours)(Mechanical)
- Bachelor of Engineering(Hons)(Chemical)
- Bachelor of Engineering(Hons)(Electrical)
- Bachelor of Engineering(Hons)(Mechanical)
- Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering(Honours)
- Bachelor of Engineering(Hons)(Chemical)
- Bachelor of Engineering(Hons)(Electrical)
- Bachelor of Engineering(Hons)(Mechanical)
- Bachelor of Engineering(Honours)(Mechanical)
- Bachelor of Engineering(Honours)(Mechanical and Advanced Manufacturing)
- Bachelor of Engineering(Honours)(Electrical)
- Bachelor of Engineering(Honours)(Mechanical)
- BSc Biochemistry
- BSc Human Biology
- BSc Biological Sciences
- BSc Biochemistry with Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
- BSc Biomedical Sciences
- BSc(Hons) Biomedical Sciences
- BSc(Hons) Biological Sciences
- BSc Biological Sciences
- BSc Biological Sciences
- BSc Biochemistry
- BSc Ecology and Conservation Biology
- BSc Food Science
- BSc Genetics
- BSc Human Physiology
- BSc Medical Science
- BSc Neuroscience
- BSc Pharmacology
- BSc Zoology
- BSc Biological Sciences
- BSc Biomedical Sciences
- BSc Food Science
- BSc Microbiology
- BSc Biomedical Science
- BSc(Hons) Biological Sciences
- BSc(Hons) Biomedical Science
- Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science
- Bachelor of Science(Biomedical Science)
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Science(Honours)
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science
- Bachelor of Forensic Science
- Bachelor of Nutrition Science
- Master of Pharmacy
- Master of Pharmacy
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science
- Bachelor of Nutrition Science
- Bachelor of Nutrition & Dietetics(Honours)
- Bachelor of Nutrition Science
- Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science
- Bachelor of Nutrition & Dietetics(Honours)
- BSc Science(Biotechnology)
- Bachelor of Science(Food Technology and Nutrition)
- Bachelor of Medical Science
- Bachelor of Human Movement
- Bachelor of Nutrition and Food Sciences
- Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine(Hons)
- Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science
- Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine(Hons)
- BSc Biology
- BSc Biology and Nutrition
- BA(Hons) Fashion Design
- BA(Hons) 3D Animation and Games
- BA(Hons) Animation
- BA(Hons) Fashion Design
- BA(Hons) Fashion Communication and Styling
- BA(Hons) Graphic Design
- BA(Hons) Interior Architecture
- BA(Hons) Interior Design
- Bachelor of Design(Fashion)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Interactive and Visual Design)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Creative & Professional Writing)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Drama)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Drama & Performance)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Entertainment)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Fashion Communication)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Media & Communication)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Music)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Music & Sound)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Screen Content Production)
- Bachelor of Design(Fashion)
- Bachelor of Design(Ilustration and Animation)
- Bachelor of Design(Ilustration and Animation)
- Bachelor of Media Art
- Bachelor of Design(Motion Design)
- Bachelor of Animation
- Bachelor of Design(Interior Architecture)(Hons)
- Bachelor of Screen Production
- Bachelor of Design(Interior Architecture)(Hons)
- Bachelor of Games and Interactivity & Bachelor of Animation
- BA(Hons) Interior Architecture
- BA(Hons) Interior Design
- Bachelor of Design(Interior Architecture)(Hons)
- BSc International Social and Public Policy
- BSc Psychology
- BSc Psychology with Professional Placement
- BA Global Politics
- BA Global Studies
- BA International Development
- BA International Relations
- BA Liberal Arts
- BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics
- BA Politics
- BA Politics and International Relations
- BA Politics with Business
- BA Politics with Human Rights
- BA Social Change
- BSc Economics and Politics
- BSc Politics and International Relations
- BSc Politics with Business
- BSc Politics with Data Science
- BA Childhood Studies
- BA Psychodynamic Practice
- BA Psychology
- BA Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies
- BSc Cognitive Science
- BSc Psychology
- BSc Psychology with Economics
- BSc Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience
- BA International Development
- BA International Relations
- BA Politics
- BA Sociology
- BA Theatre and Performance
- BSc Social Policy, Sociology and Crime
- BA(Hons) Theatre Design and Production
- BA(Hons) Theatre Perfomance and Production
- BA International Relations in Politics
- BSc(Hons) Psychology
- Bachelor of Psychological Science
- Bachelor of Psychology(Advanced)(Honours)
- Bachelor of Psychological Science
- Bachelor of Creative Arts(Drama)
- Bachelor of Behavioural Science(Psychology)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Creative & Professional Writing)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Drama & Performance)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Entertaiment)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Media & Communication)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Music & Sound)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries(Screen Content Production)
- Bachelor of Fine Arts(Drama)
- Bachelor of Fine Arts(Technical Production)
- Bachelor of Psychological Science(Honours)